When deciding what backpack to purchase, you should firstly consider the size of it. You need to think about what you’re going to use it for and how much you will need to carry in it.
If you’re using it for commuting you’ll want a backpack between 10L to 20L. If you’re carrying a laptop, then it’s a good idea to have a laptop compartment too in order to keep it safe. Our 17L Technical Tote Backpack is perfect for people on the move who want a bag for travelling to and from work. It also has easily accessible exterior pockets
For those wanting a backpack for travelling, you might want a slightly larger backpack. Our 20L Everyday Travel Backpack is the perfect urban backpack that you can also take on outdoor adventures.
If you want to ensure everything stays dry when it rains, a weatherproof backpack is a must. All our backpacks are weatherproof so you have peace of mind on rainy days. Our UNDA range is fully submersible, making it great for water adventurers and rainy commuters alike.